Tuesday 15 May 2007

Preparation Update

I've been in touch via email with some of the people I'll be working with so it seems I'll be able to communicate with the outside world.

I'm in a dilemma as to what clothes to take as I can't seem to get an idea of the temperature. One person has told me its warm but not hot and to take a jumper as it gets cold at night. Another has told me to take warm clothes and to bring a doona with me!!! I'll have to do layers and take warm pjs.

1 comment:

Oops.. I deleted my blog!! said...


After all this time I come across the fact that you have two blogs going! Must be the new glasses they are working! Thanks for your comments, but if only my eyes were going south I wouldnt feel so bad its the rest!!!!!!!!!! Im glad to see that you are contemplating taking clothes, most media Ive seen on PNG, women are not wearing much.......