Due to the world wide web, and the wonders of email list servers, I've now been able to speak directly to people who have been to Hagen in recent times and they have given me the
real story on what the weather will be like. Apparently its eternal spring, 20-25 degrees, with cold nights and cool mornings. (I think I'll be off to buy flannellette jamies.........v. attractive!).
It also rains a bit but I've got my raincoat and an umbrella so I'll be ready for all eventualities!!
I'm having second thoughts about the makeup.........perhaps I'll just take the basics, mascara, lipstick, lip line fixer, eyebrow pencil, eyeshadow, blusher etc.etc. Just kidding. I think I can get away with mascara and lipstick!!
1 comment:
What a nice way to end the day, laughing at Karyn's Kerazy Blog! OMG so much to worry about! At least the big things are out the way...mascara and lipstick vs the rest of the kit...flanelette jamies Vs doona...I can't wait for the next episode!
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